

Evil Scientists

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Real Identity: Unknown
Appearances: The Metric System Vs Freedom
Powers/Skills: Knowledge of Science
Voiced By: Tara Strong

A group of evil scientists operate as a secret society and wish to eradicate individuality by forcing the world to adopt the metric system and wiping out the imperial system. A scientist infiltrated the Titans Tower and brainwashed Robin into adopting the metric system. They became concerned when he said he could eat a kilogram of eggs then questioned he suddenly had a lab coat, beaker, and microscope. Robin claimed it was drafty, the other dishes were too dirty to use, and he couldn't find his reading glasses. He left to peer review a journal. Raven realized "metric system" flipped around phonetically sounded like "Trick me." They concluded Robin was being mind controlled by the scientists so they followed him on the 5K. They tailed him to an abandoned building next to Barter Town and found an old laboratory. To reach the inner sanctum, they had to pass three challenges. The first required them to keep moving at five meters per second. They weren't sure what that translated to in imperial and just ran.

They were hit with many, many darts. The second challenge asked them to step on the block that had the correct temperature for the freezing point of water. Cyborg jumped on 32 degrees but that was wrong since that was in Fahrenheit. The ceiling repeatedly crushed them. For the last challenge, they had to place one kilogram on a scale. They mistook it as "kill grams" and shot up the weights hanging from the ceiling. A giant boulder dropped into the room and rolled over them repeatedly. Luckily, a weight dropped down onto the scale and balanced it. They entered the inner sanctum and observed evil scientists pouring stuff in a beaker and grafting a giant ear on the butt of a lab mouse. The lead scientist invited the other Titans to join their cause. They refused but she was confident they could do to them what they did to Robin. Beast Boy countered they weren't smart enough to be scientists. She ordered Robin to teach them the scientific method. He attacked them with a metric ruler.

Raven reminded Robin he was an individual, not standardized or practical -- he was an American. Robin came to his senses. The lead scientist vowed to crush them with their superior metric-based attacks. Robin countered with their only trump card, baking. The scientists were dazzled by the muffins, giving the Titans the opening to crush them. The lead scientist realized her whole life was a lie then Robin stomped her like a cockroach.