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Release Date: 2009



September 28, 2010
Apocalypse DVD releases.

July 23, 2010
Comic Con Preview
8-10 pm

September 29, 2009
Public Enemies DVD releases.

July 24, 2009
Comic Con Preview
at 5:45 pm


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Back to Heroes Main > Starfire

Real Identity: Princess Koriand'r
Affiliation(s): Teen Titans and The Outsiders
Powers/Skills: Solar Absorption, Flight, Starbolt Projection, Enhanced Strength, Language Absorption, Armed Combat, and Unarmed Combat
Voiced By: Jennifer Hale

Koriand'r was born into a life of royalty as princess of the Tamaranean's. When her older sister, Komand'r couldn't fly, the title of queen would be bestowed to Koriand'r. Both were then sent to the Warlords of Okaara to be trained in the military arts. Komand'r was embittered and fled Okaara. She allied with the Citadel and supplied them with information on how to invade the planet Tamaran. As a peace offering, King Myand'r turned over Koriand'r.

After six years of torture, Koriand'r and Komand'r were released into the custody of the Psions. The Psions conducted brutal experiments to determine how much solar energy a Tamaranian could absorb before exploding. Koriand'r managed to escape and freed her sister. Komand'r only tried to kill her and was restrained. Koriand'r sought refuge on Earth and joined the Teen Titans as Starfire.

After Lex Luthor became President, he returned to his campaign against Superman and issued a modest $1 Billion bounty on the hero. Superman was forced to go underground and several super villains tried to capture him. Luthor then assembled a government task force made up of super heroes finish the job. Stafire was among the heroes selected.