

Carl Finley

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Real Identity: Dr. Carl Finley
Affiliation(s): None
Appearances (TZP): Eye of the Storm
Powers/Skills: Above Average Intelligence, Technology, and Piloting
Voiced By: Andrew Lawrence

Well beyond his peers, Carl Finley graduated with a doctorate at 16 years old. The culmination of his doctoral research was the creation of a technical pod armed to safely neutralize storm systems. Named the Cyclonator, Finley and his older brother, Dex, used the pod to travel across America and fight storms and tornados. Finley mainly remained in the transport and did reconnaissance for Dex as he rode out in the Cyclonator.

While in Gale Plains, the Finley's met Zeta and Ro Rowan. After Dex Finley got acclaim on the Golden Globe News, Carl Finley was disgusted and set out to take on a F5 alone. Zeta revealed his true form and set out to save Finley. After the worst was over, the brothers reconciled and shared the spotlight on the next vidcast.