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Release Date: October 20, 2009


Lady Granite

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Real Identity: Sheila Sorrell
Appearances: Puddle Trouble
Appearances (DC Nation): The Many and The Fowl
Powers/Skills: Enhanced Strength and Near Invulnerable Skin
Voiced By: Jill Talley

Sheila Sorrell was once a singer in a sleazy nightclub called The Red Angel. Sorrell wanted to be an opera singer but she was terrible at singing and her agent refused to book her. However, all the men in town were in love with her. She turned them all down, earning her the nickname "Lady Granite." One of her would-be suitors, Dr. Carlon, developed a serum that turned Sorrell's skin to stone. She went insane and started robbing banks to finance her own operas. Lady Granite became a supervillain and foe of Plastic Man. She was recently defeated by Plastic Man a week after he caught Professor Spindrift. She currently resides in prison.

While he was on his way to mail out payment for an overdue electric bill, Plastic Man encountered Lady Granite. She was still upset how Plastic Man broke her heart and attempted to return the favor. He managed to defeat her by shapeshifting into a wrecking ball then proceeded to the nearest mail bin.