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Real Identity: Noah Kuttler
Affiliations: Riddler University
Appearances (Comics): The Real Sidekicks of New Gotham (Identity Crisis and Tawny Tawks!)
Powers/Skills: Knowledge of Information Technology
Voiced By: Not Applicable

On the day before finals, Barbara Gorden went to Noah Kuttler's dorm room for a study session even though they were both the top of the class. He was prickly since she missed the last two. She apologized and presented a peace offering, the banned Venom drinks. Kuttler recalled it killed 10 people last year. Gordon explained that was because the drink was mixed with rock candy and revealed she had poison control on speed dial just in case. Kuttler pondered his reply. She made her innocent face. He caved and let her in. He reminded her of rule number one of coding: no open liquids near the work station. Gordon recited it would ruin the computer and corrupt the code. She noted her father kept sending her his ClipClops and she didn't have the heart to tell him how cringe they were. Kuttler stated he wasn't on it and warned her to be careful because she could get her bank details stolen or get doxxed. He brought up Gotham didn't have anyone patrolling the digital domain. She moved her drink on his prompt.

The next morning, Kuttler took Waynebook offline. By the time Gordon got to her class for the final exam, she realized Waynebook was down because of a network error and she could not access the site at all. She asked Kuttler if Waynebook was working for him. He told her it was down all morning, drawing her suspicion. The professor told the class they had one hour to hack into Wayne Security and they would be graded on their methods of getting in. She mentioned Wayne Security was letting them test their security in exchange for their school getting a huge donation. Kuttler thought Wayne should redistribute his wealth instead. During the exam, Kuttler easily made his way through the security and used his access to Waynebook to pilfer Bruce Wayne's bank information and trusts. Masking her identity as Batgirl, Gordon attacked him with a batarang to the back of his hand. He was not impressed, claimed he was Batgirl, and tossed a book on her head.

They happened upon Jim Gordon's Waynebook profile. Kuttler found his ClipClips to be cringe. Gordon focused and punched one of them, also hitting Kuttler. He ran for it. She caught up to him at the door back to finals and attacked. They fought with staves. Gordon noticed Kuttler had way too much code on his laptop for a simple final and realized he was the one breaking into Waynebook. She pretended to knock her Venom drink onto his laptop and fried it. Kuttler vowed it was not over, there were more out there like him, and the rich were not safe just because masked heroes were protecting them. He vanished online and left the class room. Gordon finished her final and secured Waynebook. Now calling himself the Calculator, Kuttler interrupted the live taping of the first episode of Tawny Talks while Tawny Young interviewed Batgirl. Frank the Plant was unimpressed him with and asked if he was going to throw equations at them.

Calculator claimed to know the secret identity of Batgirl but King Shark got the audience more excited about Macaroni. Calculator told them to shut up and sent texts to everyone's phones claiming Batgirl was Barbara Gordon. King Shark found the segment boring but liked Clayface's idea to turn into whoever Calculator named. Jim Gordon happened to be in the audience and questioned Calculator's credibility because of his name then pointed out as a cop he would know if his own daughter was Batgirl. Batgirl pointed out Barbara Gordon was in the audience. Calculator vowed he would be back and would spill all of Gotham's secrets. Young stated that was her job.