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Back to Heroes Main > Kilowog

Real Identity: Kilowog
Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Skills: Science, Engineering, and Wields the Green Power Ring
Voiced By: Michael Madsen

Bolovax Vik is home to about 60 billion Bolovax. They are renowned for advancements in science and a central government system. The Bolovax also telepathically submit their minds to a collective named the mass mind. The planet is also home to every Green Lantern of Space Sector 674. After the death of the current Lantern, Branwilla, the mass mind chose Kilowog, an expert in genetics. Despite the implications of leaving the mass mind and his lover, Kilowog accepted the nomination.

Kilwog fit in well to the Green Lantern Corps and went on to become one of the best trainers and a member of a sub-group of Lanterns with the highest seniority alongside Sinestro, Abin Sur, and Tomar Re. Recently, he accompanied Tomar Re, Boodikka, and Sinestro to Earth to find Abin Sur. Instead, they found his ring with Hal Jordan. Following protocol, Kilowog demanded the ring forcefully. Jordan retaliated and shoved Kilowog away. He was unimpressed. To add insult to injury, Sinestro was allowed to be Jordan's trainer.

During the Kadian Space Terminal scan, Jordan saved Kilowog's life. As a result, Kilowog changed his opinion about Jordan and apologized. When Jordan expressed his thoughts about Sinestro, Kilowog and Boodikka confronted Sinestro, only to find him manipulating Kanjar Ro's corpse. After surviving a direct blast from Boodikka, Kilowog returned the favor and left Jordan to fend for himself. Kilowog survived and requested to the Guardians to return the ring to Jordan. However, Sinestro arrived with a Yellow Battery. While the other Lanterns surrendered their rings, Kilowog refused. This hardly mattered since Sinestro was going to kill him anyway since he was the only other senior Lantern left. An empowered Hal Jordan fought back against Sinestro in a final salvo. After being hit by a direct full burst, Sinestro was briefly dazed and Kilowog crushed his power ring. He then saved a powerless Hal Jordan from falling to his death.