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The Fakir

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Real Identity: Unknown
Appearances: Working Through Pain
Skills: Bhusara
Voiced By: Not Applicable

The Fakir, Arabic for "Poverty," are a group of practicioners of Sufi, Islamic mysticism. Sufi is said to be one of the more extensive spiritual practices. Whereas a Yogi is concerned with mental developement and monks, with emotional; the fakir is concerned chiefly with the physical. Considered as spiritual recluses, many modern citizens instead see them as half-naked street beggars. Fakir are said to practice the art of Bhusara. Through rigorous meditation and fasting, they are able to levitate and defy pain. Many common feats of the fakir are walking on hot coal or sleeping on a bed of nails.

While traveling the world, Bruce Wayne stayed in India hoping to learn Bhusara from a Fakir. After months of waiting, the Fakir realized Wayne was not seeking enlightenment or truth and rejected his decision to train Wayne. He then turned to an ex-disciple of the Fakir, an outcast named Cassandra.