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Gotham City

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances: Have I Got A Story For You, Crossfire, Field Test, In Darkness Dwells, Working Through Pain and Deadshot

In 1653, a Norwegian mercernary founded Gotham City. It was later taken by the British. Gotham was infamous for occult practices. Though ambigious, it seems Gotham City is definitely located somewhere in the Midwest and Northwest. Home to Wayne Enterprises, Gotham City is filled with narrow subterranean streets, elevated transportation and a grand skyline marked by architecture of different periods of history. An economic depression engineered by Ra's al Ghul ravaged the city and left it open to corruption, drugs and violence. However, the Wayne family championed a crusade to appease the suffering of Gotham's people. After their murders, the city's elite made a concentrated effort to end the depression. It had mixed results; organized crime flourished while the wealthy became further separated by the poor. With the dedication of men like Lieutenant Gordon and Batman, Gotham City is slowly becoming a better place.