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Waynecom 7

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances: Field Test

Lucius Fox led a new project and helped lauch the new satellite, Waynecom 7. It contained a gyroscopic electromagnetic navigation system. The system contained a circuit that generates a field. He thought he solved a general problem of capacitance but the satellite suffered strucutral damage when the field created an electromagnetic pulse. Undaunted, Fox saw another potential application of the system. With its highly sensitive shock wave sensor, Fox could create a virtual bulletproof shield.

When the sensor picks up a sound above the preset decibel, the gyro is charged and triggers an electromagnetic pulse, deflecting bullets. It could withstand small arms ammunition even at close range but a rifle would penetrate the pulse. Wayne took the device on a field test as Batman but ultimately decided a defelected bullet was still too dangerous of a risk.