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Pete Ross

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Real Identity: Pete Ross
Affiliations: White House
Appearances (Chronicles): Bomb
Appearances (Movie): Justice League: Gods and Monsters
Powers/Skills: Communications
Voiced By: Larry Cedar

Pete Ross was the White House press secretary under Amanda Waller's terms as the President. He was present in the Oval Office when Waller decided to authorize a nuclear strike on Metropolis to neutralize Brainiac. Some time later, Lois Lane reached out to Ross for comment on the murders of Victor Fries, Ray Palmer and Silas Stone. Ross insisted Waller's dispatching of Steve Trevor to investigate was just to make sure there were no security breaches. Lane interpreted it as confirmation they worked for Waller. Ross denied it. Lane inquired if the investigation included the Justice League. Ross wouldn't answer. He later went to the Oval Office and was present when Waller spoke with the Justice League and asked them to speak to the authorities voluntarily about the murders. During an address to the press corps, Ross stated it would be inappropriate for the Waller administration to comment on the ongoing investigation. He reiterated the police didn't find a motive for the killings yet. A reporter asked if Waller had been in contact with the League. Ross said she hadn't but stated she expected them to fully cooperate with the authorities like any good citizen. He closed by saying no one was above the law.