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Gods and Monsters begins June 8!



Back to Supporting Cast Main > Lightray

Real Identity: Solis
Affiliations: New Gods
Appearances (Movie): Justice League: Gods and Monsters
Appearances (Comic): The Dream
Powers/Skills: Flight and Light Emission
Voiced By:

Lightray is one of the New Gods of New Genesis. He takes his name from a traumatic encounter with solar radiation that left him in a coma. He awoke and realized he absorbed the radiation and had new powers. Lightray was part of the delegation from New Genesis who went to Apokolips for Bekka and Orion's wedding after a thousand years of war. Lightray marked the start of Highfather's true plans and after the wedding, he used his power to blow Steppenwolf and a Parademon's heads off. He came to Highfather's aid and grabbed Orion. Bekka intervened. After she called Highfather a monster, Lightray attacked her. She used her sword to catch his energy blast and launched it back at him.