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Gods and Monsters begins June 8!



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Real Identity: Lara
Appearances (Movie): Justice League: Gods and Monsters
Powers/Skills: Knowledge of the Sciences
Voiced By: Lauren Tom

Lara was the wife of Jor-El, a leading scientist from planet Krypton. After General Zod's drilling fatally destabilized the planet's core, Jor-El made preparations to continue the Kryptonian species. He incorporated an Incubator Pod into a space ship. Lara aided him in the procedure. Just as she reported an earthquake with a seismic magnitude of 9.8 was detected, Jor-El finished setting Lara's egg in the pod. All he had left to do was submit his genetic code through a fingerprint. General Zod stormed Jor-El's lab and shot his hand off. Zod mused they could have ruled Krypton together. Jor-El stammered Zod destroyed the planet despite everyone telling him not to drill into the planet. Zod told him to shut up and pointed his gun to Jor-El's head. Lara begged Zod to stop. Zod decided his seed had more precendent than Jor-El's and submitted his genetic code instead. They watched as the ship took off and they all ultimately perished in Krypton's destruction. Zod and Lara's son was conceived in the pod and went on to become Superman of Earth.