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Arctic Circle

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances (Movies): Justice League: Gods and Monsters
Appearances (Comic): Fallen
Powers: Not Applicable
Voiced By: Not Applicable

The Arctic Circle is one of the places Hernan Guerra traveled to in his youth after he left his adoptive family at age 18. A decade or so later, Dr. Victor Fries was measuring atmospheric carbon levels near the Arctic Circle. A storm front approached with one reading left to take. A Boom Tube suddenly appeared and one of Will Magnus' droids chased after Fries. Frightened for his life, Fries crashed his sled and shot at the droid in vain. It charged Fries and bit his neck, severing his carotid artery, and drained all of his blood. Three days later, Fries' body was found at the bottom of a ravine.