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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances (Comics): Genesis Part One and Part Two
Powers/Skills: Genetic Manipulation
Voiced By: Not Applicable

Forevertech is the invention of Jackson Alpert, equipment designed incorporate his Forever Formula to restructure the human genome and accelerate the evolutionary process as part of his vision of a world of equality - people with abilities, flawless health, and extended lifespans. The initial three volunteers subjected to the Forevertech were christened the Forever People. However, initially it cost millions of dollars to undergo the process with the promise that one day, the process would be available to everyone. Like all new technology, the price of upgrading would fall and be universally accessible. Transformation Centers, equipped with the Forevertech, were opened in Paris, London, Mumbai, Moscow, and Hong Kong. Another dozen people were evolved -- or "upgraded" and waiting lists swelled. Alpert believed his Forevertech could even upgrade Superman and Wonder Woman. However, a certain genetic abnormality in a small percentage of the population prevented them from receiving the upgrade - including Alpert. Only Superman agreed to undergo the upgrade but he soon experienced agony. Wonder Woman wanted him released but Alpert stated it was too late.

Wonder Woman broke Superman out of the chamber. Alpert later ran an analysis on the Forever known as Fastback and determined she needed a renewal of the Forever Process or she would die. Fastback was angered because she already paid millions and went through two upgrades prior. Alpert expressed his gratitude but said she needed the next level of upgrade or her genes would turn toxic. Four days later, Alpert confirmed Superman needed a few more days to recuperate and Superman's alien physiology was incompatible with his genetic compounds. Secretly, Alpert extracted Superman's cell samples from the Forevertech and added the DNA to the Forever Formula. It allowed Alpert to overcome its natural resistance to the Forever Process. He also mixed in DNA from Wonder Woman and Batman after they were captured. As a result, Alpert was transformed into a young man who was still evolving.

Lois Lane speculated a combination of drugs in the formula, in part, warped the Forever People's minds. Nonetheless, Batman synthesized an antidote. He coated his fangs and his Batarangs with it. Once exposed, the Forever People lapsed into a coma and eventually reverted into normal human beings. The antidote was deemed unstable and it couldn't be determined if or when they would regain consciousness.