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Back to Villains Main > Dreamer

Real Identity: Unknown
Affiliations: Forever People
Appearances (Comic): Genesis Part One and Part Two
Powers/Skills: Hypnosis and Flight
Voiced By: Not Applicable

Dreamer is one of the wealthy who were the first to become one of Jackson Alpert's Forever People. After being upgraded, she took the name Dreamer. The ability she manifested appeared to be a form of hypnosis. Those she hypnotizes are placed in a state of calm and lose their aggressive impulses. During anti-Forever People movements across the globe, Dreamer joined Serifan and Moonrider in helping Alpert end the violence peacefully. In Rio de Janeiro, Dreamer placed the rioters in a state of hypnotic calm after Serifan paralyzed them. The Forever People moved on to Moscow next. Some days later, Dreamer was among the team chosen to greet Superman as he made his way past the Eternity Institute's force field then dined with her bretheren, Alpert, Superman, and Wonder Woman. The next day, Dreamer was present when Superman underwent the upgrade process. She helped Wonder Woman return Superman to his room to recover.

During the war between the Forever People, Dreamer erected her own floating citadel and amassed many followers but eventually lost to Bear. While on Bear's citadel above Mumbai, Dreamer was present when Superman and Wonder Woman arrived. After Serifan was killed, Dreamer attacked Wonder Woman but was slashed by her sword.