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Chaos Society

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances (Comic): Genesis Part One
Powers/Skills: Armed Combat
Voiced By: Not Applicable

The Chaos Society is a group of nihilists. In another display of their extreme anarchism, the Society went into the Metropolis Central Station and opened fire on everyone. They made no demands and took no hostages. They simply shot at any and every person. Superman arrived and knocked them off their feet. He observed how they made a big mistake coming to Metropolis and invited them to shoot him. As the bullets bounced off Superman, he readied his heat vision and incinerated every member of the Chaos Society. At least 14 died in the incident and a dozen more wounded. While more would have died if not for him, Superman's actions were the subject of debate among philosophers, theologians, intelligence community, military, senators, and even the President of the United States, Amanda Waller.