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Release Date: 2010



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Rose Wilson

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Real Identity: Rose Wilson
Powers/Skills: Public Speaking
Voiced By: Freddi Rogers

Years ago, after his divorce from Adeline Kane, Slade Wilson met Lillian Worth during a search-and-rescue mission. Wilson's mission was to make sure that Worth escaped Cambodia alive and well. The two were married and she gave birth to a daughter whom they named Rose. She idolized her father, the war hero, but that began to change as she grew up traumatized by the murder of her mother by Ultraman. As a young woman, Rose Wilson began to speak out against the Crime Syndicate under the primary mandate that might does not make right. Her public rallies also had the secondary effect of undermining her father, the President's policies.

Father and daughter clashed and their relationship strained under the tension. President Wilson desired peace without bloodshed, even if it meant catering to the Crime Syndicate. Rose Wilson, who never fought in a war, saw her father as a coward. She argued for Alexander Luthor and the Justice League to continue with their plans in opposition of President Wilson's protest. J'onn J'Onzz read her mind without permission and quickly corrected her thoughts. She quickly attracted the attention of Ultraman who put a hit on her life. Archer attempted to assassinate her during a public rally but she was saved by J'Onzz. He then offered to protect her until his League's mission was complete to which she agreed. Feeling guilty about reading her mind, he apologized to her but then realized they were attuned to each other. He initiated a mind link they learned about each other's pasts. However, J'Onzz stood fast to his promise to protect his universe's Earth and parted ways with Wilson after a kiss. She and the President appeared to be on better terms.