

Gloria Navarro

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Real Identity: Gloria Navarro
Appearances (BTAC Comics): The Muscle
Skills: None

Gloria Navarro is the girlfriend of Detective Renee Montoya. During a ceremony, Montoya was called up by Hamilton Hill, Junior to receive her police commendation. Navarro told her to break a leg. As a precaution, Bruce Wayne offered Navarro and Montoya a ride home in the likelihood the Muscle would make another move to assassinate the latter. During the drive, Wayne complimented Montoya on naming everyone on her team. Montoya believed she couldn't have pulled off the bust without them and they deserved the spotlight. Navarro still thought she could have been a little nicer to "you-know-who," alluding to Batman. Montoya gave her a stare. She knew he was a loose cannon but she admitted it was comforting to think he was somewhere watching over Montoya when she was out on the streets. The Muscle made his move and side swiped Wayne's limousine. Wayne got between him and Montoya, took a bullet and suffered a concussion. Montoya returned fire and more police arrived, forcing Muscle to retreat. She posted two of her best officers to escort Navarro home.

However, Muscle was waiting and knocked them out with tranquilizer darts. He kidnapped Navarro and baited Montoya into coming alone to confront him at Muscle Zone Fitness. Navarro was tied up and gagged in a weight room. Muscle flooded the room with steam and tried to trick Montoya into shooting her. Montoya deduced his plan and tricked him into shooting a practice dummy instead. Batman arrived and blew up a weight bench near Muscle. He quickly untied Navarro but Muscle wasn't done yet. He raised a broken barbell over his head and was ready to kill everyone but Montoya came up behind him and shot his arms. The barbell fell on his head and he was knocked out. Navarro ran over and hugged Montoya. She grimaced as it still hurt even though she had a vest on. Navarro apologized but Montoya stated she didn't say to stop. Montoya was none the wiser and returned to Wayne's hospital room with Navarro.

Wayne played along and noted it sounded she took an awful chance going without backup. Montoya admitted that while it cost a badge, it was worth it. She talked about how she outsmarted the Muscle and tricked him into shooting the first thing he saw. Navarro teased it was a trick inspired by Batman. Montoya stated a good idea was a good idea and admitted she was grateful for Batman helping her. Navarro noted it was a shame Batman wasn't around when Wayne got shot. Alfred Pennyworth agreed but gathered Batman can't be everywhere.