

The Institute

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances (BTAC Comics): Crack-Up! Part One and Crack-Up! Part Three
Powers: Not Applicable

The Institute is a facility in Gotham City that actually serves as the local headquarters for Task Force X. After running into the team while fighting Joker and Straightman, Batman took the Batglider to the Institute. He dropped in from the skylight. King Shark reckoned a midnight snack arrived. Batman jumped over him and threw a net on him then threw out a Batarang to counter a boomerang thrown at him. He quickly pinned Captain Boomerang to a wall with three Batarangs. Deadshot raised his gauntlet to the back of Batman and teased it would be a shame to blow his head off after he saved his sorry butt. Batman already deduced Deadshot was the marksman who fired a dart into Straightman at the fight prior. Katana found Batman as charming as ever. Boomerang teased he was still the bat you loved to hate. Muscle clarified he only hated Batman. Batman mused his recommendation for Muscle paid off. Muscle promised he would quickly serve his time then look him up. Katana asked Batman if he was walking out peacefully or if it was going to be messy. King Shark liked messy.

Amanda Waller told the team not to bother since there were only five of them against one of him and he would not leave until he was ready so she wanted to hear him out. Batman noticed a chair and asked if that was used to inject the nanite bombs. Waller replied it was sometimes and asked if he was volunteering but cut to the chase. Batman asked her what Task Force X was doing in Gotham. She claimed the government assigned them put the Joker down once and for all. Batman did not believe her and noted the team was focused on Straightman. She claimed their strategy was to knock off the goon and the boss falls next. Batman was not buying it and stated the Suicide Squad was sent in when it benefits the government or to cover up their mistakes. Waller stuck to her story. Batman asked about the "woman on the building." Waller had no idea what he was talking about. Batman fired his grappling gun and remarked that was the only thing she said he believed. She informed him Katana was the only woman on the team after Harley Quinn made parole. Deadshot had Batman dead to rights but Waller told him to save it. She stated Straightman was the target and if Batman wound up as collateral damage, that was on him.

After Straightman was captured, Batman headed to the Institute. Harley Quinn was handcuffed to a table. She wanted to get back into the fight after being dragged into it. Waller believed doing that would make her a liability waiting to happen and couldn't risk Joker using the Psi-Ber Helmet on her, too. Batman appeared and asked what Joker did. Waller briefed him on her team's defeat. Harley added King Shark got the worst of it and the doctors were still working on him. Harley revealed when she came to, she was tied to a kiddie ride and watched as Joker used the helmet on her teammates one by one and renamed them J-Team. She also noted Joker wanted to win her back with his charms to her disgust. Batman brought up Waller's method of tracking her team through the bombs in their brains. Waller confirmed she did and they commandeered a S.W.A.T. van, took police hostages, and were headed to Camp Finger. Harley used a pin to pick her cuffs and get free. Waller insisted he take Harley along. In the aftermath, the Psi-Ber Helmet was used to completely erase Joker's brainwashing from Task Force X's minds.