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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances (BTAC Comics): Hardware
Powers/Skills: Enhanced Physical Attributes, Mechanical Aptitude, and Various Programmed Skill Sets

Lex Luthor kidnapped Superman and imprisoned him in a 20 foot robot using a mind control device to put him in an induced state. Superman essentially acted as a solar battery for it. Luthor piloted the robot and targeted Brainiac remnants on loan to WayneTech. One night in Gotham City, the giant robot marched through the streets and struck a building. A police squad car arrived but the robot kicked it onto its side. Batman heard the commotion and checked on Harvey Bullock and an officer inside then followed the robot. It breached the WayneTech building and fired laser blasts at the scientists inside. It ripped the vault from its foundation next. Batman appeared and told it to return the vault. The robot turned and shot at him, punched the ceiling, and left WayneTech. Batman fired his grapling gun and threw three exploding Batarangs at the robot. It was not damaged and threw a delivery truck at him then flew away.

Back at the Batcave, Batman was unable to detect any heat signature, generated by it, on satellite and concluded its flight capability was not by jet propulsion or any heat-generating means. He didn't think it was extra terrestrial in nature yet noted the vault it stole contained alien hardware. The next night, he found it idle in a hangar at the Claremon Airfield. He placed a miniature scanner on it and uploaded data to the Batcave. Before Batman left to confront Lex Luthor, Pennyworth asked about the robot and noted it even had a co-pilot chamber. Batman was curious. Pennyworth turned his attention to the scans, there was one cockpit in the front and one in the rear of the robot. Batman realized one was a battery and deduced Luthor kidnapped Superman and turned him into a solar battery to power the robot. Batman suited up and flew back to the Claremon Airfield. The robot burst out of the plane and grabbed Batman. Luthor declared he wouldn't escape. Batman fired a taser into the robot and jolted it with a Kryptonite charge. Superman was roused from Luthor's mind control device. He broke free from the robot and destroyed it using heat vision and his super strength.