

LexCorp Warsuit

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Real Identity: Unknown
Appearances (BTAC Comics): Hardware
Powers: Enhanced Strength, Flight, and Radiation Projection
Voiced By: Not Applicable

The original purpose of the LexCorp Warsuit is unrevealed but was most likely the lastest weapon built for the military by contract. Lex Luthor donned the warsuit inside Claremon Airfield, south of Gotham City, and blasted Batman from behind after discovering him in his hangar. He slowly choked Batman. Estimating ten seconds of consciousness left, Batman threw a Batarang into the Brainiac head Luthor stole and triggered its eye laser function. Luthor was blasted out of the hangar. The beam impaired the warsuit and it was reduced to half-strength. Batman later deduced it after taking a blast from the warsuit while wearing his Super Armor suit. He decked Luthor. Luthor stripped off the warsuit in his C-17 cargo plane and piloted his robot next. The warsuit was lost in the plane's destruction.