

Lazarus Pit

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances (BTAC Comics): The Offer Part One and The Offer Part Three
Powers/Skills: Healing

Lazarus Pits are pools filled with an alchemical mix of acids and poisons excavated above the electromagnetic leylines crisscrossing the Earth. After learning this pool could restore an old man back to a young, healthy adult, Ra's al Ghul took over several for his own private use. He lived for some 700 years. However, the longer Ra's lived, the more frequently he had to use them. After a battle against Batman in Kathmandu, Ra's learned the Pit's effects were negligible and he suffered great pain. It was feared one more treatment would be fatal for him. At some point, a portable Lazarus Pit was moved into an underground chamber beneath Gotham City near an abandoned subway station. In a battle against Batman, Ra's claimed the Lazarus Pit was calling to him, offering new life, a world to save, and a future to build. Batman tried to warn him not to go in but Talia believed he longer heard them, just the call of the damned pit. Ra's entered the pit, bled out of his orifices, and collapsed. Batman consoled Talia. He gave her a moment to say goodbye but she vanished with Ra's' body.