

Man Bat

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Real Identity: Dr. Kirk Langstrom
Appearances (BTAC): Red Son Rising Part 2, The Offer Part One, The Offer Part Two, and The Offer Part Three
Powers: Super Strength, Flight and Echo Location

The zoologist, Dr. Kirk Langstrom created a serum that transformed him into the Man Bat, a humanoid bat creature. When Jason Todd went solo as Robin, he faced off against Man Bat and fired a grapnel line into his right wing. After the Joker and Straightman incident's conclusion, the Man Bat resurfaced and went on a rampage. Batman hung off Man-Bat while Batgirl and Robin snagged his legs with their grapling guns. Batman dove off and tied Man-Bat upside down from a light pole for the Gotham City Police Department S.W.A.T. unit. Dr. Langstrom was restored to human at a clinic. Tim Drake, the current Robin, was skeptical the cure would hold this time. After being released from the State Hospital, his "sobriety" ended in record time and he managed to put his formula into pill form. Man-Bat was soon kidnapped by Talons and taken to an underground base. Four Talons trying to restrain and walk Man-Bat down the hall. Man-Bat overpowered them and he swung them around. One of the Talons crashed into Catwoman's glass window. She used the chaos to escape. Batman went to the Langstrom house to speak with Langstrom's wife, Francine but she was packing and leaving him after a week of no contact. She mused her husband was either a dedicated scientist or a hopeless addict. She tossed the pill bottle to him and left, encouraging him to lock up since he probably knew the alarm code.

Kirk Langstrom managed to escape his cell. On the path above him, Batman, Robin, Catwoman, and Talia al Ghul happened to arrive and were undecided about which of three tunnels to take. Talia sensed Langstrom and jumped down. She kicked him and readied her sword. He pleaded with Batman for help. Batman wanted him to take them to the Court but Langstrom was scared and remembered his wife. Batman informed him they already talked and presented the pill bottle of Man-Bat Serum. Langstrom tried to grab them but Batman refused and firmly stated they needed to find out who was behind the kidnappings so he would do exactly as he said. Batman could only count on making Langstrom more afraid of him than the Talons. He knew Langstrom was delirious from being on the run for days. Catwoman recognized her prison. Langstrom shushed her and pointed out there were two zombie Talons standing guard up ahead. Batman and Robin quickly dispatched them but everyone was shocked to see they were guarding prison cells holding various Gotham criminals.

Batman and Talia strongly objected to Ra's al Ghul's plans and a fight broke out. Langstrom suddenly attacked the Talons with ease and transformed into Man-Bat, having stolen his pills from Batman earlier in the tunnel. After the battle, Man-Bat flew over the city. Robin reported seeing Man-Bat flying south. Batman added he was heading to the waterfront. Robin wanted to bet they could catch him before sunrise. Batman told him to buckle up and they took off in pursuit.