

Ra's al Ghul

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Real Identity: Ra's al Ghul
Appearances (BTAC Comics): The Offer Part One, The Offer Part Two, and The Offer Part Three
Powers/Skills: Near Immortality, Accumulated Knowledge and Wealth, Above Average Physical Attributes, Armed Combat, and Unarmed Combat

Ra's al Ghul discovered underground pools filled with an alchemical mix of acids and poisons excavated above the electromagnetic leylines crisscrossing the Earth. He then discovered this pool could restore an old man or an injured person back to a young, healthy adult. Ra's al Ghul took over several for his own private use. He lived for some 700 years. Over those centuries, he built a powerful, global organization dedicated to restoring mankind and Earth even if that meant illegally and by force. However, the longer Ra's lived, the more frequently he had to use the Lazarus Pits and its effectiveness began to dwindle. In the latter half of the 20th century, Ra's employed his botanists to come up with a solution to world hunger. They began experimenting on grain. In the present, Ra's chose Batman as his heir and offered his daughter Talia al Ghul has his bride. Batman rejected the offer and the two became enemies. Over the years, they battled only for Batman to triumph and often save the world. Their most recent battle was in Kathmandu. Ra's discovered the Lazarus Pit could not heal him and he endured great pain. It was believed another treatment with the pit would be fatal.

It was discovered a Wayne Enterprises shell company owned a resort on an island the the al Ghul family owned. Talia al Ghul approached Bruce Wayne at the resort and passed along an invitation to Ra's. She then hinted her father was not the same man as when they first met. He was more introspective and more appreciative of the time he had left. Wayne found it hard to believe. She invited him to come see for himself and told him to look for the family yacht, the biggest in the bay. After 10 pm, under the guise of windsurfing, Wayne performed reconnaissance but two guards on jet skis engaged him after he counted 14 total. They opened fire with laser guns. Wayne speculated the men acted on their own and dispatched them. Suddenly he was swallowed up, realizing Ra's's plan was to have the gunmen force him farther out to sea. He found himself in a submarine and was greeted by Talia al Ghul. She revealed a late dinner was already prepared. While Wayne got dressed, he recalled it was two years since he saw Ra's.

Wayne was surprised to see Ra's an old man. He could see the wheels spinning in Wayne's head. Ra's revealed the Lazarus Pit no longer healed him and he was rapidly aging. Mortality forced him to take a hard look at his long life and admit to his regrets. Wayne asked how he planned to make things right. Ra's unveiled his Gaia Grain to Wayne and explained it was designed to flourish in anyplace and any season and could be effortlessly modified to simulate any food texture or taste. To Wayne's surprise, the grain was used on their dinner, from the wine to the lobster thermidor. Ra's believed the grain would be crucial for Earth as it neared eight billion inhabitants and assured him he was no longer out to eliminate entire populations to ensure a new start for mankind. He wanted to end world hunger. Wayne was skeptical. Ra's implored him to take a sample and analyze it. He claimed he was sincere and as death approached, he wanted to implement the grain and leave this legacy to his heirs, both Talia and Wayne.

Batman and Robin returned to the Batcave after talking with Poison Ivy and Dr. Francine Langstrom only to see Alfred Pennyworth waiting for them with Ra's al Ghul and Ubu. They settled in the dining room in the manor. Ra's only asked for water since he took little nourishment anymore. Ra's told Wayne he was dismayed to learn he was back in uniform. Wayne cited unfinished business that warranted his attention. Ra's appealed to Wayne about his quest to save Gotham serving as a surrogate for the one thing he could never save, his parents, and implored him to create one anew, accept his offer, and the transfer of power could begin before it was too late. Batman, Robin, Talia and Catwoman found an underground prison where Catwoman escaped from and discovered numerous more criminals still imprisoned. Batman realized Ra's al Ghul had most of the major criminals of Gotham taken prisoner in order to later convince him crime-fighting was no longer needed in the city. Ra's confirmed that was true and called it a ruse of the highest order.

Talia was upset at being manipulated. Catwoman quipped her family got more interesting. Robin deduced Ra's was the leader of the Court of Owls. Ra's clarified he was not originally the leader but knew about the Court since its inception since they shared a fascination with extending lifespans. He admitted at one time he thought he could use their Talon Formula to replace the Lazarus Pits but the serum was too crude. Batman surmised he took control of the Talons after Hamilton Hill was killed. Ra's confirmed it was a simple matter to revive and take control of them. He found them to be remarkable foot soldiers when given purpose and validated that by boasting they incarcerated the worst elements of Gotham, done in secret and without one fatality. Talia was upset he deceived them. Ra's chided her for being small-minded and proposed the Talons could continue to safeguard Gotham while she and Batman took on his legacy as well as his allies. Batman revealed he knew the Gaia Grain was engineered to mutate after the fifth generation seed and at that point, it would produce a chemical designed to alter the human genome and cause sterility.

Ra's clarified ninety percent of the populace would live long and natural lives in a world with space and resources to accommodate them. Talia countered no children would be born. Ra's revealed unaltered grain would be given to her and those deemed worthy would give birth to the next generation of Earth's masters. Batman reiterated his suspicions the offer was madness. Ra's repeated he was offering him the world. Talia countered the offer was on his terms and he defined it and it was all just a chess game to get what he wanted. She did not take kindly being his ultimate pawn. Batman added they were all used, including the criminals his Talons imprisoned, and stated no one deserved that. Ra's agreed and mused secret executions and anonymous burials would have been much more effective. Batman declared their fates were not up to him to decide and demanded their release. Ra's found Batman as twisted as the criminals and ordered the Talons to kill everyone except Talia. Batman found a room housing a portable Lazarus Pit.

Ra's felt like a fool to offer Batman the world and clocked him with his sword guard. He claimed the Lazarus Pit was calling to him, offering new life, a world to save, and a future to build. Batman tried to warn him not to go in but Talia told he longer heard them, just the call of the damned pit. Ra's entered the pit, bled out of his orifices, and collapsed. Batman consoled Talia. He gave her a moment to say goodbye but she vanished with Ra's' body.