

Green Lantern (Ch'p)

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Real Identity: Ch'p
Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Appearances: Day of the Dark Knight!, The Eyes of Despero!, The Siege of Starro! Part One, and Part Two
Skills: Wields the Green Power Ring
Voiced By:

Dr. Ub'x and his Crabster Army invaded Space Sector 1014 and killed the assigned Green Lantern. Dr. Ub'x then turned his army loose on the planet H'lven. Ch'p was the leader of the H'lven homeworld but he was captured and sentenced to death. While awaiting his day of execution in prison, Ch'p was chosen by the Guardians of the Universe to replace the murdered Green Lantern. Ch'p accepted and defeated Dr. Ub'x. Like some Green Lanterns, Ch'p kept his identity as a Green Lantern as a secret from his loved ones.