

Blue Beetle (Dan Garrett)

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Real Identity: Dr. Dan Garrett
Appearances: The Fall of the Blue Beetle!
Powers: Multitude of powers gifted by the Scarab
Voiced By:

While on a dig in Egypt, the archaeologist Dr. Dan Garrett discovered the Blue Beetle Scarab in the tomb of Pharaoh Kha-ef-re. When Garrett spoke the words, "Kaji Dha," the Scarab activated and bonded with him. With the Blue Beetle armor, he became a hero and fought crime based in Hub City.

Eventually, Garrett took on a protege, Ted Kord. Following his final battle, Garrett made Kord promise that he would continue the mantle of Blue Beetle. With his final strength, Garrett gave the Scarab to Kord but couldn't give him the password in time and passed on.