

Zebra Man

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Real Identity: Unknown
Appearances: Legends of the Dark Mite!, Duel of the Double Crossers!, Mayhem of the Music Meister!, Sidekicks Assemble! (Simulation), A Bat Divided!, and Mitefall!
Powers/Skills: Magnetism
Voiced By:

A scientist in the high-tech industry devised a new machine. The machine irradiated the scientist and drove him mad. Covered in black and white stripes and a glowing magnetic aura, Zebra Man was born. Zebra Man went on a crime spree and was often bested by Batman. Zebra Man became part of Bat Mite's imagined day as Batman. Oddly enough, Batman stripped him of his stripes. Embarrassed, he stepped away.

The real Zebra Man was incarcerated in Blackgate Prison. He recently qualified for parole and assured his parole officer that he wouldn't use his powers. Two days later, Zebra Man committed another robbery. Batman arrived and soundly defeated him. Months later, Zebra Man was spotted at a Gotham bar amid a billiards match when three Batman and Firestorm stormed in. The villains proceeded to kill them anyway.