

False Face

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Real Identity: Unknown
Appearances: Day of the Dark Knight!, Night of the Huntress!, Mayhem of the Music Meister!, and The Golden Age of Justice!
Powers: Appearance Alteration and Mimicry
Voiced By:

False Face considers himself "The Master of Disguise." He has the ability to change his face to match anyone and drives a trick truck that can change its appearance with the flip of a switch. He is was imprisoned at Iron Heights and participated at a riot that was ended by Batman and Green Arrow.

Upon his escape, False Face heard of the death of a man who possessed the Golden Skull. He disguised himself as the man's widow, Ms. Gatsby, and stole the skull. Unable to move forward in the reading of the will, Batman and Detective Chimp were called to investigate. As Face tried to sneak away, he was revealed as the culprit and tripped on a banana peel. The detective duo defeated False Face with a well-timed punch.