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Real Identity: Alfie
Appearances (Shorts): Silly Stoaway and The Knight Shift
Appearances (Episodes): Razzle Dazzle Frazzle
Powers/Skills: Flight
Voiced By: Dee Bradley Baker

Meet the Batwheels: In the Batcave, Bam met one of the resident bats and named him Alfie. Batcomputer alerted Bam about Ducky stealing a shipment of rare tropical fish at the Gotham Docks. Bam tried to sneak up on him but Alfie the bat stowed away inside and startled him. Ducky fired his taser umbrellas at Bam but Alfie flew into Ducky's face. He drove up a plank right into a tank filled with water. One night while trying to recharge, Bam was awoken by Buff. Buff revealed Alfie was hanging upside down on his grill. He thought it was cute but he couldn't use his winch. Bam suggested teaching him to fetch. Alfie flew off, grabbed an oil can, and dropped it on Buff. After the others helped Bam to his garage, they watched him sleep. Alfie dropped an oil can on him.

Batwheels: Alfie helped Bam practice his magic act for the talent show to determine who would get the Bat Dazzle Vehicle Paint. Alfie then helped Batwing decide how to add sparkle to her aerial act. He pointed Batwing to an advertisement for a visiting circus. Batwing went too over the top with her outfit and lost control. Everyone rallied to support her.