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DVD News:
Release Date: February 22, 2011



February 22, 2011
All-Star Superman releases.

February 17, 2011
Movie Screening
At The
Los Angeles
Paley Center
7:00 pm

February 14, 2011
Movie Screening
At The
New York
Paley Center
6:30 pm

April 18, 2023
4K Blu-ray releases.


Animation Insider
Cartoon Network
Titans Tower


Back to Heroes Main > Atlas

Real Identity: Atlas
Powers: Enhanced Physical Attributes and Invulnerability
Voiced By: Steve Blum

Atlas is a Titan of Greek mythology. At some point, he left New Elysium to team up with Samson and became a time traveler and adventurer. He and Atlas stole the Jewels of Atom-Hotep from Ultrasphinx in 80th century B.C. and traveled to the 21st century, which Atlas finds hellish, to trick Superman into defeating the monster. Samson goaded Krull into invading the surface world and the two enjoyed a quick battle. After Superman cleaned up their mess, they still challenged Superman to an arm wrestling match. The duo lost and had their arms broken. Complying with the terms of the match, they departed the 21st century.