

The Perfect Pitch? | Episode 355

Aired: May 27, 2022
Heroes: Teen Titans (Robin, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Starfire, and Raven)
Villains: Toy Master
Supporting: Sticky Joe
Objects Utility Belt, T-Boat, Pretty Pretty Pegasus, and Birdarang
Places: Jump City, Titans Tower, Hollywood, Warner Ranch, and Stuff Mart
References: Seinfeld, Wonder Woman, Batman, Deathtoilet, Baby Jack & Growler, Star Trek, Batmobile, Silkie, Flying Graysons, Lexcorp, H.I.V.E. Tower, Nintendo Switch, Contra, Sonic the Hedgehog, Metroid, Flash, Superman, and B'Wana Beast
Written By: Steve Borst
Directed By: Ken McIntyre